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A Monthly report for the month of April 2022



Many Ugandans are now living in hard times and as it is our goal to help the needy people, we reached out to the few we managed too. It is our goal to help one person at a time and bring desirable change or transformation in their lives.

This April is a rainy month in Uganda so most people spend most of the time in gardens; digg

ing and planting food. In this month, there is no food since the farmers are busy in the garden planting so it makes food commodities to be scarce and prices rise. As an agricultural country, Uganda produces a lot of food but there are no better ways of preserving food which leads to scarcity of food in the long run.

Activities of the month:

The following activities were performed in April;

1. Food to 15 needy families; this was the Easter package. Fifteen families in the community received food; each family received 10kgs of Rice, 1 chicken, and 2 bars of soap. The families were so happy and appreciated for remembering them and caring for them. These are the same families which received food for Christmas.

2. Jonan Mwebya a seminarian who was suffering from Hepatitis B was given medical care. But sadly, he died because the liver was so much affected. Link Hands Uganda helped with funeral arrangements together with Lutheran church of Uganda. Jonan was at Lutheran Theological College, he was studying to be a Pastor but he died at 27 years old and left behind a baby girl who is 6years old. It is so sad to lose such a genuine friend and humble man.

3. Suubi James who broke his leg. Mr. Suubi James is the congregation chairperson of Mafubira Lutheran Church. He broke his leg as he was trimming the tree branches so he fell down from the tree. Link Hands Uganda reached out to him and provided medical assistance. He got treatment from ripon hospital. We can proudly write and say that he is recovering.

4. Mugeere Charles. He is a father of 6 children and he is 57 years old. He has a “painless” boil in his neck but he is worried about it. The doctors recommended him to be operated so that it can be removed though it is painless. We received money Anders Eliasson for his treatment and he has scheduled an appointment with the doctor early next month.

5. Jean Rousseau. He is one of our part time volunteers at LHU. He had dental issues so he was helped with some funds.


The table below shows the accountability and expenditure for the month of April 2022


This month of April the much money was spent on medication for those who cannot afford. This month no single child was helped like before but at least they got what to eat when we distributed food.

The prices of commodities have gone high and the life has become so difficult for many needy people. But we give thanks to the Lord for Mr. Anders together with the Swedish family for sending funds to look after and help the needy people; he is so focused on transforming people’s lives.

Every month we see that the impact of Link Hands Uganda and Swedish Family is felt in the community.

“For I consider that the suffering of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” Romans 8:18


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