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A monthly report for the month of April, 2023



In Uganda most people survive on less than one dollar daily. This means most families cannot afford to have a balanced diet, good Medicare services, and other related basic needs. All this is because of the aggregated poverty among many households due to unemployment, rural-urban migrations, illiteracy, poor service delivery, and corruption among others. The government of Uganda has done tremendously to curb the issues mentioned above but still there is need. Many local and international organizations have come up to create lasting solutions by educating people, civic education, sensitizations, women empowerment programs, providing fresh and clean waters, construction of hospitals and health centers, and many others. But this has also not solved the problems because there is much still needed.

Link Hands Uganda being a local community-based organization has stood firm on its vision of changing people’s lives socially, economically, and spiritually and it has done this pragmatically Jinja City and district in Eastern Uganda. It has highly concentrated on the areas of Medicare, relief food, and small businesses.

In the month of April, it wasn’t so different from other month; the following activities below were done in April.

Activities of the Month.

1. Delivered parcels to Brenda:

Nankwanga Brenda is one of the beneficiaries of the small business empowerment program. Link Hands Uganda empowered her with the funds to start her own business and she has been able to run the business and take care of her family. At least every month she receives a parcel from Mr. Anders in Sweden who collects the clothes and sends them to her via Link Hands Uganda. This month Brenda received two parcels containing second-hand clothes for children below 4 years. She was so happy and commended and appreciated Mr. Anders for the great work he does and for the love, and care, and the prayers to her. She is a very jolly woman who works hard to make ends meet and her family to be happy.

2. Miria Kambedha:

She is a 15 years old girl who is in secondary school in Mayuge district. Miria is epileptic who convulses every month. We were reached out by her father Mr. Akuzasi Waiswa a resident of Mbirabira in Mayuge district. Link Hands Uganda Nile Hospital in Jinja town where she was admitted for a week. We paid her medical bills, and all the transport back to Mayuge district. We are proud now to say that Miria received good medical care and there is a lot of improvement. Her father said, “I didn’t know that my daughter can get helped and get better but thank you so much and ai pray for God’s blessings upon everyone who helped. God is mighty.”

3. Ajambo Angelina:

Angelina is among the beneficiaries of our social program of Link Hands Uganda. Her house was destroyed away by rain, so she became homeless. We reached out to her promised to help her towards constructing a new muddy simple house, but we also delivered food items after three days because the rains had destroyed the crops too in her garden. Emmanuel Musasizi delivered 20kgs of posho, 10kgs of beans, and 18kgs of rice. We love Angelina because she is a very hopeful and grateful woman. She thanked Mr. Anders for remembering her and helping her in times of need.

Accountability for the month of April 2023


There were few or less activities performed in the month of April. But we thank God for reaching out to those two people who were helped and delivering parcels to Brenda Nankwanga.

In April during easter we didn’t distribute food packages to the needy people on our social program or the children on the sponsorship program.

The Link Hands team is strong and dedicated to continuing serving with the Swedish Family to reach out to the neediest people in the communities of Jinja and beyond.

Christ is risen indeed! Hallelujah!!

“For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” John 6:40

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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