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A monthly report for the month of April 2024


The climate change has contributed greatly to the problems the country is experiencing. There is a lot of rainfall since January up to now this has destroyed people’s crops and food, flooding in some areas has led to diseases such as Ebola, cholera, and dysentery. The floods have also led to death of animals and destruction of houses in parts of the country and in Jinja too.

This natural calamity have left many homeless, poor, and devastated. The government has set up a disaster preparedness unit but it isn’t enough to help the affected communities and people. Link Hands Uganda has helped some of the affected members majorly with prayers, and medications.

Activities of the month:

The following are the activities of April 2024. Mostly, in this month, we had big medical cases and people were helpless and looking to God for healing and comfort.

Brenda: She is a woman on our social program and Mr Anders and Ingela help her by sending second hand clothes to her sell and be able to support her family. Brenda received two parcels of children’s clothes and she will sell them in the market so that she can feed her family and take her children to school. Brenda said, “I am humbled! Tell Anders that his help is much appreciated and I have been able to support myself and my family. God’s blessings to him and his family.”

Nalufenya Children’s hospital: In this month of April, still we supplied Nalufenya children’s hospital with food items and others that are used in making solvents for malnourished children in the malnutrition ward. Dr Kizito commented that, “I don’t know what we would be doing without you guys. Your help has transformed many babies in this particular ward. Now the pressure and worries are gone because we know you think of us and support us with these items.”

Waiswa Emmanuel: Since Rev. Benard came to know about Waiswa’s medical condition in September last year, he reached out to his family and helped him. In October last year, he received medication from LHU for the hydrocele treatment but this wasn’t enough since the doctors had recommended a medical surgery. The hydrocele was now on a difficult stage whereby his testicles were swollen and of the size of an avocado. Waiswa received a treatment and was operated at the beginning of May now he is still with nursing wounds. The family is happy that now their son is relieved from pain, and his heart is now happy and content though still with wounds. We are happy, because Emmanuel is happy!!

Rose Mutiibwa: a middle aged woman battling with unknown disease which is likely to be cancer. She had swelling near her right breast. She had it for the past 6 years but she was only taking painkillers until now when it was worse and dangerous for her. She was operated at Nile International Hospital in Jinja. The doctors say, during the operation they removed a hard tissue near her breast and she was told to go for further investigation whether it is cancer or not. She reached out to LHU before operation and she got medical support. She has gone to Mulago Cancer institute for more investigation and we shall keep you posted. She is grateful that the support she got from LHU, helped her to fund partly of her operation.

Samuel Waako: He is a 46 year old staunch Christian man battling with urethra disease. His urethra and penis are rotting. This is due sexually transmitted diseases or UTI which he has been treating. He cannot walk properly nor urinate well but in deep pain. He reached out to Link Hands Uganda and we took him to hospital for more medical investigations. The doctor advised that he should be operated as soon as possible and cut the rotten part away and also insert a tube or straw like tube in his penis as they treat the wounds. He was operated and now still in hospital under doctor’s investigation and nursing. Will continue to give you update you on his doing because he is still ill and weak.

Laptop for LHU: Link Hands Uganda purchased a laptop to help them write reports, store data, and write other documents concerning LHU activities or work. Rev. Benard Mwesigwa has solely been depending on his computer which broke down and this made the work difficult. The Swedish family purchased a laptop for LHU, not for Benard so that they may be able to carry out their activities well. Link Hands Uganda had wanted a Lenovo laptop but found the price had gone high so managed to buy an HP i6 and it is of good quality.This is the first machine or gadget or device for LHU. To us, this is a great achievement as an organization.


We give thanks to God for his providence towards the people who were helped mostly with surgery. Secondly, we thank Mr Anders and his wife for the continued support and prayers to the needy people of Uganda. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9 Compiled by, Benard Mwesigwa


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