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A monthly report for the month of Augusti 2023


In Uganda, the biggest population is below 35 years according to Uganda bureau of statistics. Many youths are unemployed, including graduates from higher institutions of learning. This has led to rural urban migration and others migrate to middle east in looking for green pastures and better lives. Those who are employed in Uganda earn at least one $1 dollar a day are exploited by their employers and many households are below the poverty line. This has led to increased cases in towns and urbans centers of Uganda hence high crime rate, prostitution, and death. According to a police report of 2022, it indicated that there is high school dropout due to hard lives at home and cannot afford to pay school fees, high child labor, early marriages, and early pregnancies.

The government of Uganda has put up initiatives to see that these challenges are solved or mitigated. The government has come up with free primary school education, free medical care, and sensitization in the communities, and laws governing the young people. But the free school policy has not impacted because those schools lack quality education whereby the teachers do not perform their duties well. The free Medicare care is worse because the health centers or hospitals lack medicines and good facilities so many people prefer private hospitals where they can be treated well. The government has provided quality hospital instruments, or some instruments are stolen by doctors and put them in their private clinics or dispensaries. The laws are broken, and the police prefer bribes to doing their work perfectly.

Many NGOs and Civil rights organizations have tried their best to solve some of these problems, but they haven’t been effective since they don’t reach out to the beneficiaries. Link Hands Uganda works tirelessly to reach out to the needy people as the last beneficiary and helps them with medical care, school fees, skilling, and small businesses. This has been a challenge but as a team we make sure one person at a time is helped with our little resources.

Activities of the Month.

The following below are the activities performed in the month of August 2023

1. Baby Suzan: He was born at Mpumudde health center four. Mr. Waiswa Elijah, the father of Susan contacted Rev. Benard Mwesigwa at church that his wife was in the hospital for 6 days and he didn’t have money to pay medical bills so and she hadn’t given birth yet. We visited the health center and prayed for her, talked to the doctors, and finally paid the required medical bills. His wife was in the hospital for more four days because she had a difficult condition but finally gave birth to baby Suzan. Glory be to God!!

2. Kazibira Yoseri: He is a 75-year-old widower who is diabetic and has sight problems. His son, Kazibira Jeremiah, contacted Rev. Benard that his father was admitted at Mulago Kamuli hospital, so he needed serious attention. The Link Hands Uganda team reached out to him and bought food stuffs, and paid medical bills, and bought medicines for him. After a few days, Kazibira was discharged from Kamuli hospital and sent home. He is still under treatment, and he will be checking with doctors for further consultations.

3. Meshack Tibiita: He is a boda-boda rider who got an accident along Jinja-Kenya route as he was trying to overtake a bus heading to Nairobi. He was injured terribly, and he broke his arm. He was rushed to Jinja Main hospital, and we were contacted by a senior orthopedic doctor requesting for our help. We were able to pay for x-ray scans, CT scans at Nile International, and the basic medications. He was discharged a few days later and he promised to leave boda-boda business and do farming. He was so thankful to LHU for the immediate help.


The weekly funds can save a lot of lives than what we can imagine. Many children and families and individuals are thankful for what seems little to many but saving lives. Link Hands Uganda is so thankful to the Swedish family and most especially Mr. Anders Eliasson who consistently helps us here with weekly funding, logistics, and other expenses!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer Romans 12:12.

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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