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A monthly report for the month of December 2022


This is the last month of the year, and we look back and see how far we have come. Link Hands is committed to helping the needy and proclaiming the Good News of our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ. Looking back from January to December we register many successes; Hosting Anders, the children have been able to school for three terms or semesters, monthly medication and social issue help to many, food distribution on Easter and Christmas, Small Businesses, Motorbike, Goats project, wheelchair, and proclaiming the Gospel. We had some challenges like transport during rainy seasons, many people want help, but we are limited by the funds, and hostility from some people on social program.

However, we register success and learn from the challenges and how to improve in the future. 2022 has been one of the best years of Link Hands Uganda.

Activities of December 2022

There were activities done in December and majorly our focus was on the children, needy families on the social program. There was Distribution of Food, clothes & Shoes to children, delivering clothes to Brenda, and paying medication for Kasadha Sarah. The following were the activities of December 2022.

1. Clothes & Shoes for sponsored Children

The sponsored children received shoes and clothes as a Christmas gift. The Link Hands team was led by Emmanuel and Betty to distribute clothes and shoes to the children. The parents of these children were very happy and prayed for blessings to the donors, and Link Hands team.

2. Distribution of Food

There was distribution of food to some families of sponsored children and families on social program. In total fifteen families received food for Christmas: ten kilograms of rice, and a chicken each family. Most of these families are extended families where you can find parents, children, and relatives that is the reason why we give them ten kilograms of rice. Rice and chicken is a delicacy in sub-Saharan region. Maurice one of the sponsored children was happy and said, “I thank you Anders for the food, clothes & Shoes, and supporting my education. I am so grateful for this food for Christmas. God bless you.” Then Ashraf Mboli a sponsored child was more grateful, “we did not have what to eat on Christmas and my grandma was worried about it and puzzled but I told her that she should trust the Lord, he will provide. And finally, we have what to ea. Glory be to God.”

3. Delivering clothes to Brenda

Mr. Anders sent two parcels of secondhand clothes and they came via postal office. This was a promise he made to Brenda of delivering clothes to her once he returns to Sweden. Brenda was very happy seeing the two parcels of clothes arriving to her and delivered by Rev. Benard Mwesigwa. She will sell the clothes at her shop in Bugembe.

4. Kasadha Sarah

She is on the social program, and we have helped since the inception of Link Hands Uganda. Sarah is a widow and HIV/AIDS positive. She needed medication because her spinal code is injured. She has suffered the spinal-code problem for now two years. Link Hands Uganda paid the medical bills and the doctor. Now she is relieved and feeling better. Thanks be to God.


We are so grateful for the support given by the Swedish Family since 2020 up to now, and Mr. Anders since 2019. We celebrate our success together. We look forward to work with you more in the future and figure out the best way of helping the needy people in Uganda. One step at a time.

When children go to school and study, they can take care of themselves in the future. When men and women are helped with small business support, they can take good care of their families. And when we help those in need, we help because we ought to love one another as the Lord himself Loves us!!

“The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace…” Numbers 6:24-26

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa



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