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A monthly report for the month of December 2023


Link Hands Uganda has been able to maintain and work towards its, Vision, Mission, core values and objectives as we scrutinize the year. Amidst challenges, we have worked through them putting God first, having a strong local team, and having confidence in our donor Mr. Anders and Mama Ingela.

Through the monthly funds many have got medical care, mattresses, relief food, and other social work issues in the villages around Jinja district. we have sponsored children by paying school fees for them, helped a local orphanage in Butiki village, and empowered women with small start up capital for their businesses. Over 200 people have benefited from our programs which has restored hope, love, smile, faith, and togetherness among families and the community at large. With the subtle step one step at a time approach has helped us to achieve a lot and register success.

Activities of the month.

There were a few activities performed in December, as we are winding up the year, The following below are the activities of December 2023

1. Nalufenya monthly support.

Ever since we partnered with Nalufenya children’s hospital, we support it with medical instruments like pulse oximeter, BP machine, thermometers, glucometers, and others. We committed ourselves to have a monthly support to the malnutrition ward of the hospital with food items used to make nutrition solvents for the malnourished children. in December, we donated the same items namely, rice, sugar, cooking oil, hygiene soap, beans, milk. The hospital management is happy because of this kind of support because the government does not support or supply such items to them.

2. Local orphanage.

The local orphanage is run by Muzungu Noah and his wife who take care of the orphans in the community. The orphanage has been able to bring destitute children back home and closer to Jesus. When Mr. Anders and mama Ingela visited Uganda, they visited the orphanage and were amazed by the children at the orphanage because of their smiley faces and dances. Since then, they are interested in helping this local orphanage with clothes, shoes, and a Christmas cake. This Christmas, they gifted the orphanage with a Christmas cake which was shared by the children at the orphanage.

3. Christmas food.

Link Hands Uganda gives food package on both Easter and Christmas to its sponsored children, needy women in the community. This Christmas we distributed rice and chicken to 15 families whereby each family received 10kgs of rice and a chicken as a Christmas package. The children and women were so happy and thankful for their friends far away for loving them and praying for them.


Accountability for the month. The table below shows the expenditure for the month of December 2023


Link Hands Uganda is so thankful to Mr. Anders and Ingela for their continuous support to the needy people of Uganda. We hope that in 2024, you bring more people to see what we do here and also enjoy Uganda as the Pearl of Africa.

We thanks to the Mighty Lord for making 2023 a successful year despite the many obstacles and challenges encountered in the field and in administration.

We look forward to working with you more in 2024 as we focus more on growing and helping the needy people one at a time.

“And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you.” Ezekiel 36:26


                                                                 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


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