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Uganda is recovering from the covid-19 pandemic effects which left many destitute, impoverished, and jobless. This has led to high crime rate in urban areas, increased diseases and deaths, domestic violence, and unemployment, among others.

The Ugandan government has come up with several measures to curb the effects by having covid-19 response team, rehabilitation centers and also implementing the law. But this has not been satisfying.

This has forced many NGOs to stand up and help the people in this recovering period.

Link Hands Uganda, in this Month of February has focused strictly on health, and small business support. Like it is our policy to go step by step, we have reached out to some people in different areas within Jinja City.

Activities in February:

In this month of February, our focus was on medication and business support as seen below:

v Medication: four people were helped with medication; by catering for their medical bills in hopsitals.

· Kisakye Marvin who had a disorder with his stomach where the large intestine had wrapped itself on the small intestine, he was helped with some money for surgery.

· Muluta Derrick the young man who has been on our program for long was sick and needed surgery at the back of his head due to the growth of some bacterial infection. He will be operated in this month but Link Hands Uganda has already paid his medical bills for surgery as requested by the doctors.

· Nakandi Miriam who is 68 years old is diagnosed with heart disease. Link Hands Uganda has contributed part of the money for her treatment. This old woman was so happy and said to us,” The Lord is faithful. Thank you so much for helping me. Even though my body is weak but Ifind strength in the Lord” as she smiled.

v Small business start-up capital. Three young women have received start-up capital for their businesses. These women were identified as eligible because they had done business before.

· Lilian Tamugwaniza. She deals in local foods and juice. She was supported by the Swedish family with start-up capital to continue with her business so that she becomes self-reliant. She said after receiving the money, “Thanks be to God for always loving me. I pray that my business stands well. Thank you guys so much”.

· Mirembe Brenda. This woman sales second hand clothes and shoes. Her business was affected by Lock-down due to covid-19. She was also supported by the Swedish family so that she invests in her business and be self-reliant.

· Namulawa Hellen. She is the bread-winner of her family. She deals in cosmetics selling in Mpummudde division in Jinja city. She is so promising and we hope her business will stand well.

Accountability for February.


We give thanks to Swedish Family for their continuing support to the people of Uganda. You’re helping many people and bringing positive change in our society. One step at a time.

We also give thanks to Mr. Anders Eliasson foe loving to serve the vulnerable poor. Without his support we would have not done all this. But we thank God him so much.

We hope to see positive transformation in the lives of the people we serve day by day and one step at a time.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”. Matthew 6:33


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