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A monthly report for the month of February, 2023


Link Hands Uganda’s vision is to have a transformed community, spiritually, socially, and economically. And our mission is to work together to transform our communities. One of our core objectives is to fight illiteracy through education, sponsoring children’s education and provision of child support with scholastic materials. We are focused to attain our vision and mission driven for better results.

Many children in Uganda do not get a chance to go to school, have better clothes, have access to clean water, and food. Many go to bed with an empty stomach. This has led to child labor, early marriages and early pregnancies, and the raise of street children.

Education is a great gift you can give a child because an educated community is a better one, and educating a girl is educating the whole village. When children are in school, they are at less advantage of going to streets, and engage in child labor. Link Hands Uganda has 15 children on sponsorship program and many on medical program monthly.

Children and families need to be directed to the Lord and submit themselves unto the Lord in prayer and having devotions in order to fight the vices and evil problems so that the virtues of Love, Hope, and Faith are uphold.

Activities of the month.

Sponsored Children

12 children’s school fees were paid as Leticia Babirye, Mwanje Peter, and Magoola Seph wait for their schools to open. There are seven children in primary school, six in secondary school, and two in tertiary institution. These go to different schools around Jinja District, and all are day scholars apart from Babirye Leticia who is in boarding.

Natasha Basirika

She is 3 years old and has a heart problem, and she needs to be operated as soon as possible. Natasha was born with this medical condition, but her family realized it later after a thorough medical checkup. She will undergo heart surgery on fifteenth March this year at Mulago Hospital. Link Hands Uganda has reached out the family and contributed funds towards Natasha’s medical operation.

Nankwanga Brenda

Link Hands Uganda delivered two parcels from Sweden to Brenda. These boxes were full of clothes so that Brenda sells them and gets money to sustain her family and business. She was so happy to receive the parcels and she said, “Am happy that there are people in another continent who think about me and pray for me. Am so grateful for this. Nothing I can give them but only prayers.” This will enable her to run her small business well.

Accountability for the month of February


In the month of February, the main activity was to pay school fees for our sponsored children, and we had another activity of reaching out to Natasha. We are committed to helping the needy people in Uganda. Although we didn’t have many activities this month, we are grateful and happy that children went to school and can study well, and that Natasha is helped.

Our sincere appreciation goes to Mr. Anders and Mama Ingela, and together with the Swedish Family for their continued support they give us to be able to reach out to poor and needy people in Uganda most especially in Eastern region of the country. May the Almighty Lord bless you abundantly. Amen.

“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.” Psalms 37:23-24

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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