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A monthly report for the month of February 2024


As we continue to serve the needy children in Uganda by providing good healthcare, education, sanitation, and sharing the word of God to the destitute souls. Link Hands Uganda has reached out to over 500 people since 2020 in covid time. The activities are done in order to empower the children and grow up in the Lord and become good citizens who are capable of taking care of themselves. In East Africa, there is a slogan that goes, “if you educate a girl child, then you have educated the entire village”. Having this African slogan in mind, Link Hands Uganda has a sponsorship program where 15 children are helped with school fees and the majority are needy girls. many poor girls. As Link Hands Uganda we are proud of these little ones getting education because it will lead to self-sustenance in the future.

Activities of the month:

1) School fees: There are fifteen children on the sponsorship program. These children are in primary school, secondary schools, and tertiary schools. The Swedish Family is vital in seeing that all these children’s school fees are paid in time and can have quality education. Our sponsored children go to moderate schools, and we believe these schools provide them with good education.

2) Postal office:

Every year we renew the postal address license so that we can receive or send parcels local and international. This is a government requirement for all organizations and companies operating in the country. This postal office address mailbox is one of the prerequisites for any operating organization in the country.

3) Mugweri Eria.

Eria is 68 years old man who is battling with a wound on his leg. He got attacked by burglars and poured unidentified liquid elements on his legs. I was contacted by his child, Mboli Ashraf, who is on our sponsorship program. We reached out to him and took him up to hospital and he is still on medication.

4) Apolot Esther.

She has been on our social program since 2022 and she is battling with fibroids and ulcers. As usual, we reached out to her and paid her medical bills as she awaits medical operation next month. She appreciated the care, prayers, and help and she said, “this is a miracle! Thank you for always supporting me. I was puzzled about what to do but God has shown the way.”

5) Twalani Jesca.

Jessica is 78 years old widow who lives with 6 children. Her eyes developed cataracts and she needed immediate attention and help. This old woman is always happy and grateful for even the subtle things. Her faith and hope amidst tribulation ignites our souls and draws us closer to Christ Jesus. Link Hands reached out to her by paying half of the money for her eyes to be operated medically.

6) Kagoda William. He is a young man studying to be a pastor at the local Lutheran seminary in Uganda. Earlier in 2022, you helped him with funds as he was joining the seminary. this time around he was sick with Malaria and typhoid due to a lot of mosquitoes and unsafe drinking water at the seminary. he reached out to me when he was admitted in the hospital in Magamaga for 4 days wanting support. Link Hands came in asap and paid the medical bills of Kagoda. He is discharges from the hospital and now at home until he recovers well.

Conclusion It was wise decision to suggest the weekly funds because they are so impactful in the society. They continue to help Link Hands Uganda to run its daily activities and reach out to needy children and many other needy people in the society or community. The weekly support funds have changed a lot of people’s lives. We are grateful and we don’t take it for granted. “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8 Compiled by, Benard Mwesigwa


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