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A monthly report for the month of January 2024


In this new year 2024, Link Hands Uganda continues to work towards its objectives of promoting good healthcare, education, environmental conservation, proclaiming God’s Word, women empowerment, and bringing free water to communities. This is only fulfilled and comes to reality by the help of God and our sponsors the Swedish Family that has been so instrumental to see that the needy people in Uganda smile again, restore hope and joy in their lives, and share the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Activities of January:

In Uganda, the month of January is regarded as the most difficult month of the year since it is very hot, and most people are financially not stable because of the festive season of last year. And secondly in this month, most parents are saving some money for school fees and other school requirements for their children. There is also scarcity of food since it is dry, and farmers are busy cultivating their gardens preparing for the coming rain season.

Amidst all these, Link Hands Uganda cared for the needy people on its program and cared for the children. the following below are the activities of January. 1.  The shoes:

Link Hands Uganda kids received shoes as their Christmas package from Mr. Anders and his wife Ingela. The shoes arrived in Uganda in January and were distributed to 20 school going children. Many children in Uganda do not have shoes because their parents do not have money to buy them. when they walk barefooted, they can easily get diseases that hurt their health. So, we are grateful that the children received the shoes and as school begins, they will go to school with shoes, and this makes them happy.

2. Nalufenya monthly support: Link Hands Uganda is committed to helping the children at Nalufenya Children’s hospital in Jinja town. We thank Anders and his beloved wife Ingela for accepting to serve the children in Nalufenya hospital in various ways. At first, they purchased medical machines for the hospital to ease work for the doctors, and now they fund the making of nutritious solvents to the malnourished children in the Malnutrition ward of Nalufenya hospital. This is a very big help because it restores lives and brings hope to children and their parents. Nalufenya is deeply in our hearts, and we request you to continue praying for the children, their parents, and the health workers who look after them. 3. Nakaziba Gabriel:

Gabriel is two years old baby girl who battles with heart problems. Her mother, Rachel, reached out to Rev. Benard for assistance and we responded immediately. She was born with this condition and apparently, she is being taken care of at Uganda heart institute where she is monitored by doctors. Link Hands Uganda has been able to manage part of her medical bills. Keep Gabriel in your prayers.

4. Kisige Willy:

Willy is 28years old evangelist in the Lutheran Church of Uganda and he is battling with hepatitis B, for 5 years, and he had malaria. He is a married man with 3 children, and he is the bread winner of the family. he reached out to us for assistance, and we responded immediately by taking her to hospital and praying for him. The malaria is gone and now is on medication of hepatitis B. 5. Office Rent.

For our organization to be allowed to operate in Uganda, one of the key requirements is that it should have an office and physical address. From the inception we rent a single room that works as our office, and this is where we meet and have meetings or carry out daily activities. We received the funds for six months’ rent. This will help us to run our day-to-day activities and also be an address for those who may wish to visit our offices for inquiries or any other queries.


Accountability of the month.

The table below shows the expenditure of January.


It is a privilege for us to work again this year towards uplifting children and needy people in the community. At the back of all this, we carry the philosophy of one step at a time, and one person at a time. We believe with this continues support; we shall be able change the lives of many people.

Special thanks to the Swedish Family and its director Mr. Anders and his wife Ingela for the support given to the needy people, and children. this kind of support has yielded fruits; many children have got education, many people’s lives have been restored, many have received the Word of God, and this has brought love, hope, faith, and peace in their hearts. We thank you!!

“And now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Compiled by,Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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