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A monthly report for the month of July 2022

The surging inflation has led to the hiking of price commodities across Uganda. Many Ugandans now cannot afford buying the basic needs like water, food, medication, clothes, and shelter. In Eastern Uganda, many have resorted to having one meal a day and children are so malnourished. This has led to increased spread of communicable diseases, high crime rate, and rural urban migration.

Link Hands Uganda in relation to its vision has reached out to people in need and brining comfort to them. Sharing what the Lord has given us with the neediest people and putting a smile on their face changes people’s worldviews and it is another way to share the Good news with them.

Activities of July

In this month of July most funds went to helping people to pay rent this is because they are the most requests that we got at our office. The following below are the activities performed in July 2022.

House Rent:

Maria Bagaga: she is blind and a widow who lives with her 17 years old daughter and a 8 year old grandson. She doesn’t have anyone to take care of since her daughter is also losing sight due to unknown disease. Link Hands paid rent for her for 3 months since she isn’t able to pay. She suggests that Link Hands should consider in future to buy land for her and construct a simple house for her.

Tusubira Naomi: she is single mother of 6 children who lives in Mbiiko Village in Buikwe District. She has a small business of selling second hand clothes by hawking. She was in need of rent for 4 months and her children were out of school yet she is the bread winner in the family. We reached out to her and paid rent for her for 3 months. She was so grateful and very thankful.

Benard Mwesigwa: in this alarming economic hardships, Benard was unable to pay for 6 months for his small apartment. Mr. Anders helped him out and paid the rent.

Kagoda William: He is a young man with ambitions of becoming a pastor in the future. He had frustrations because he had arrears for rent of 3 months and also buying some requirements before he joins the seminary. Link Hands reached out to him and paid his rent for 3 months and also bought him requirements for the seminary. Now he joined the Lutheran Theological College in Magamaga studying to become a pastor. He was grateful for the help.

Pro-Life Crusade: Link Hands Uganda engages in Pro-Life crusades that are rallied in secondary schools in Eastern Uganda. We have deep convictions that life starts at conception and it is God given. In July we visited Ikumbya Seed secondary school where we taught about dangers of abortion and that God loves all his children. Abortion is a sin before God, and it is murder of the unborn.

Goat Project: we discovered two men who are interested in the goats’ project. We assessed them and we realized that they have experience in rearing goats. We have not bought the goats yet because we want them to build pens and have nice shelter for goats then we distribute the goats. This will be done in August.


The table below shows the expenditure of July.


We give thanks to God for his mercy and Love t us here in Uganda because he has continued to provide for the needy people. The month of July wasn’t easy but also we give thanks to Mr. Anders and the Swedish Family for helping people in Uganda through Link Hands Uganda.We look forward to working with Anders more months and years to come.

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

Compiled By,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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