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A monthly report for the month of July 2023



The Ugandan hospitals are categorized in five ways which include the National Referral hospitals, regional referral hospitals, the General hospitals, Health center 4, health center 3, and health center 2. There is only one National referral hospital called Mulago Hospital located in Kampala and it facilitates over two thousand patients. There are thirteen regional referral hospitals in the country where people come from different parts of the region to get treated. Then we have General hospitals various diseases are treated. The health centers 2 are located in every village in the country and these treat minor diseases like malaria, or sometimes they do not have medicines, but doctors and nurses recommend better treatments to health 3, and health center 4 are the biggest in every district. The government has tried its best to make sure people receive better healthcare but sadly many the health centers are the basic hospitals, but they lack medicines to treat people.

The private hospitals in the country are quite expensive but with better services but the local needy people cannot afford it. So many opt for drug-shops and pharmacies to buy medication without being prescribed by professional doctors. This makes their life to be at risk!

Many local and international organizations or NGOs have invested heavily in health care but still, there is much still needed to bring medical services to the needy people.

Link Hands Uganda has worked with Mpumudde Health center 4 in the past by providing mother kits to the expectant mothers and helping people to have better health those in general wards. It further worked with Nalufenya Children’s hospital to better and save lives of children in the malnutrition ward, but also in other wards. The Nalufenya medical staff has been very supportive and always welcomed the help and prayers.

Activities for the month.

The following were the activities performed in July.

1. Nalufenya support.

We delivered food items, vacuum flasks, charcoal stoves, milk, and sugar to the Nalufenya malnutrition ward. This is what the administrator of the unit requested because caretakers and children do not get what to eat. Dr. Kizito a senior pediatric was very happy to receive these items and he commented, “little things like this save lives more than what we think. When children are put on a balanced diet they can heal and be health. We appreciate you Link Hands Uganda and the funders for the continuous help to us.”

2. Philip Mwagale.

Mr. Mwagale Philip is a 24years old man who lives in Luuka district. he developed cerebral malaria, and he was rushed to Ikumbya health 2 for medication, but it wasn’t enough, so he was further transferred to Kiyunga health center 4 where he was treated. Rev. Benard was contacted by Philip’s elder brother called Joel who requested for our help, and we responded positively buying medication for him while at the health center. Now Philip is healed and was discharged after two weeks and now he has regained the strength and sound mind. We give glory and honor to God.

3. Namabira Sandra.

Sandra is a 18 years old woman who still goes to school. She had a dislocation of the bone in her left knee because she was playing football. Link Hands was contacted by her head coach, and we responded by taking her to Rippon medical clinic for treatment. Now Sandra is able to walk with the aid of walking sticks in both of her hands.


The table below shows the expenditure for the month of July


Like any other previous month, the focus has been medical support to needy people and children at Nalufenya children’s hospital, and people of Jinja district and other districts in eastern Uganda.

We appreciate the partnership we have with the Swedish family through Mr. Anders and his family for support the good work being done in Uganda. We look forward to meeting them in September.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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