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A monthly report for the month of July 2024


The Link Hands Uganda organization is a fully registered organization and its allowed legally to work in Jinja City. The organization looks forward to expanding its scope and operating in other neediest parts of the country. This will enable other villages or areas to receive help and empower the marginalized communities to grow economically, socially, and spiritually. The preparations are underway and already started working on them.

As a Community Based Organization (C.B.O), Link Hands Uganda has achieved a lot in the past for example, sponsoring children, clothing the needy children with clothes and shoes, empowering poor or needy women with small business startup capital, improving on the healthcare of the children at Nalufenya children’s hospital, goats program to the needy families, social programs to over 100 people. With this record in the past, we strongly think we are growing fast and would love to expand and extend our services to the more marginalized communities one person at a time and one step at a go.

Activities of the month.

The following below were the activities of the month.

1.   Nalufenya Children’s Hospital: It is now close to three years since we started helping the malnutrition ward of Nalufenya Children’s hospital. The hospital management is grateful about this monthly kind of help because the government isn’t consistent in helping them because of the corruption involved. With this kind of help, many children’s lives are saved and can grow well and be healthy.

2.   Registration and working permit: Link Hands Uganda was initially registered with the district authorities until this year when we were asked by Jinja City authority to re-register because we are in Jinja City and all our operations are in Jinja city. Jinja was given a city status a year a go and everything is changing to city. So, we had to re-register and get a working permit. The process was successful and now we are fully registered still as a CBO operating in Jinja City.

3. Nakiranda Safia: She is a 28-year-old woman with 2 children and a widow. Her husband died in a boda-boda in July leaving her with two children aged 5 years and 2 years old respectively. She reached out to our offices for financial assistance so that she can be able to feed her family. Link Hands Uganda asked what she knows best as a business and she said that before she gave birth to the second child, she used to have a grocery shop dealing in fresh fruits and vegetables and other food. Link Hands Uganda contributed.

part of her capital to start up a grocery shop in Buwenda village. Now she can look after her young family and we always check on her and pray for her.

4. Lwamaza Faduli: He is a 46-year-old man who is handicapped. He lives a lone in a small house that isn’t in good shape. The community leaders convened a meeting to help him with a new house. Link Hands Uganda donated 5 iron-sheets for his house. As I write this, the house is now being constructed and when it is ready it will be roofed, and he will have a new home. It is a joyous to serve others!!

Accountability for the month.

The table below shows the accountability for the month of July 2024.


Every month we do our best to see that people are reached out and get helped in a more Christian way. The things that we do may seem to be subtle but are meaningful to most people. We are grateful for this kind of help that changes people’s lives. One step at a time, dedication, and Christ being in our midst we shall together achieve more.

 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18.

 Compiled by,

Benard Mwesigwa


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