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A monthly report for the month of June 2022


As Link Hands Uganda reaching our goals and objectives is what we really go for but most importantly impacting the life of our beneficiaries. It is important for us to first review our objectives and see that whatever we do is done in the line with the organizational goals. The goals of our donors are a top priority, and then the goals of the community. Link Hands Uganda carries out its operations in Jinja city and the surrounding villages to see that the lives of people are transformed socially, economically, and spiritually.

Activities of the Month

Link Hands Uganda is focused on helping the neediest people in the community. In this month we used some of the balance on the bank account help needy people. The following below are the activities done in June.

a) Muzei Benda: We engaged in a community activity of building a house for Muzei Benda who is 87 years old and living alone. He live in Kakira town Council in Jinja District. He has land but did not have a permanent house. We worked through Busoga Hope for Elderly and we donated 3 bags of cement, and 4 iron sheets. The house is not complete and we look forward to continue to provide for him.

b) Babirye Asnas: She is a mother of two children and she is 32 years old. She was in the Hospital lying helpless when she was pregnant and wanted to give birth but no doctor could attend to her because she didn’t have money to buy the mother kit, and to pay for the medical bills. Link Hands Uganda reached out to her and assisted to buy a mother kit and also pay medical bills, and buy eateries for her and the care taker. She gave birth to a bouncing baby girl on 23rd June.

c) Namuwaya Shakira: She is a 21 year old woman who lacked money to clear her school fees arrears at campus. She is an orphan and the 2nd born in her family. We stepped in and linked the hands together and helped her to pay the arrears and also pay the graduation fees. Shakira graduated with Bachelor’s degree in procurement and supply chain. Though the unemployment rate is high in Uganda, but she is so hopeful that she will get a job. She said, “Thank you for helping me.Indeed God makes a way where seems to be no way. I was stuck and lost hope but I give thanks to the Lord for bringing you in my way and helped me.”

d) Benard’s Mother: Mommy Sarah Tusubira was so sick but Mr. Anders sent some money for her treatment. She glorified the Lord for healing her. Mr. Anders suggested that she be put on good diet for some time.

e) John Bakibinga, Esther, and Dorothy: These are students of Nakabango Lutheran Senior Secondary school. They had difficulties but collectively we reached out to them. Bought a school uniform for John, bought a school bags and Uniforms for Esther and Dorothy. These two girls are total orphans and being helped by Rev. Akuwa James the pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Mukono District, Central Deanery.

f) Office Rent: We sought to relocate and have strategic location. We have gotten a new place at Mailo Mbili next to Jafra Petrol Station along Kamuli Road in Jinja District .We paid for the next 6 months and now we have a place we call home and for government recognition.

g) Jean Rousseau: He was struggling for to pay rent for two months. Jean Rousseau was our volunteer in the first years of Link Hands Uganda. Rev. Benard reached out to him and assisted him with money for rent.

h) Millbetty Treatment:We assisted another part-time volunteer called Milbetty Tamugwanizawho got a ( bodaboda) motorbike accident as she was going to work in the morning. Boda boda is the commonest, cheapest, and quickest mode of transport in Uganda. She was rushed to the nearby Hospital by the people who were around. She had to see an orthopedist who has been treating until now that she is able to walk.

i) Monitoring and Evaluation: Rev. Benard conducted an evaluation study of the small businesses beneficiaries namely; Brenda and Jacky. They are doing well and there businesses are progressing. It is a blessing to see that they are now able to take care of themselves and the families at large.

Accountability of the month


* This was one of the most difficult month so far because there were many requests for help but we only helped a few due to our policy of one step at a time. We believe in helping.

* We are so thankful to Mr. Anders for always helping the people of Uganda at large.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Mathew 6:33

Compiled By,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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