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A monthly report for the month of June, 2023


As every month we keep on reaching the needy people of Jinja district and the neighboring villages to see that their lives are improved for the better. Education for the children is very fundamental for the growth of a country and prosperity of these children. Besides education, children’s health care is also very fundamental and dear to us, and it is one of our values we uphold as Link Hands Uganda.

Activities of the Month.

The following below are the activities performed in the month of June.

School fees:

Link Hands Uganda has a sponsorship program has 15 children in different classes or levels: starting with primary school, secondary school, and tertiary school. There are seven children in primary, six children in secondary school, and two tertiary school. These children go to different schools in Jinja. Link Hands provides only school fees every term and sometimes it provides shoes, and Christmas gifts.

The second term begun on 29th May and it will end on 25th August prior to Anders visitation to Uganda. The school fees and meals at school fees were paid and all our 15 students are in school. Babirye Leticia our oldest student on the program appreciates this program because it has given her education even before the formation of Link Hands Uganda, Anders helped her so much to go to school. She testifies, “The Lord is so good because I come from a poor family, but I have been able to go to school and get education. I am now in senior 5, but once I complete my studies I want to help needy people and serve the Lord. I am so thankful to Link Hands Uganda and Mr. Anders!!”


Our postal mail received two packages from Anders in Sweden. These two parcels contained clothes which are given to Brenda to help her in her business. She is always grateful that Anders hasn’t forgotten her but always remembers and helps her to run the business. The parcels came with high government taxes which we had to clear.

Kasadha Sarah.

This is a common name on our social program. She has been on this program since inception. She has a problem with her backbone so Link Hands Uganda reached out to her and bought some medication for relief as we wait to hear from the doctors on what might be the best long-lasting solution for her back. Saraha is very jolly woman who loves to serve God, even in pain she remains hopefully to communion with the saints in glory our Lord Jesus.

Mama Mary.

She is a blind woman on the social program since the beginning. She stays with her youngest daughter called Mary who also has sight problems. They do not a house, so they keep on renting a small house in the suburbs of Nakabango and Namulesa. Link Hands Uganda reached out to them and provided the rent for three months since they don’t work because they are blind. Mama Mary a blind lady is very thankful and happy to receive help from Link Hands Uganda.

Mark Kimumwe

Mark Kimumwe is 8 years old who has a medication condition called RMI. In January link Hands Uganda reached out to her through Mr. Kalinga Jaril to see that Mark get medication and scanning. The treatment received then wasn’t enough so this time, Link Hands Uganda reached out to him this time and again worked through Mr. Kalinga Jaril a local leader to see that Mark gets treatment. We shall follow up and see how he is doing until he recovers.

Office Rent

Link Hands Uganda has an office at Mailo mbili along Kamuli just next to Jafra petro station. We just rent the offices and we are supported by the Swedish family through Mr. Anders to see that our programs run well, and we have a physical address as it is required by the government. In June 2023, we were supported, and we are so grateful, and we pray for God’s blessings to Mr. Anders And Ingela.


There’s a lot to be done and a lot to reach out to, but we are thankful for the little small steps we take every day to improve people’s lives. We reach our sincere gratitude to Mr. Anders and the Swedish family for the great work done and partnering with us. Without them all this couldn’t be achieved, so, we are so grateful and thankful.

Secondly, we thank God for guiding us on how we can serve others and walk in Christ’s steps. Glory and honor to the Lord.

We look forward to achieve more the coming month. Amen!!!

“The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:9

Compiled by

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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