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A monthly report for the month of June 2024


The government of Uganda has put a platform for local CBOs, NGOs, and well-wishers to contribute to the development of the country. Most of these agencies involve themselves in philanthropy, sociology, science, commerce and trade.

Link Hands Uganda, a local CBO has dedicated herself to philanthropy by centering on children’s welfare, clean water, health & sanitation, evangelism, and small business start-ups. With their philosophy of “one person at a time” Link Hands Uganda continues to reach out to needy people in various parts of Jinja city and district at large. Basically, children’s school fees, and healthcare are top priority for the organization.

In this month of June, the activities were centered majorly on social issues by the people for example supporting people to get proper healthcare.

The following are the activities for June

1.     Kufuna Fredrick: He is a 75-year-old man who stays with his grandchildren. As he was climbing stairs, he missed a step and fell down and he injured his hand and the bones were broken. He was rushed to hospital by a neighbor who later contacted Rev. Benard to see he gets proper treatment. Link Hands Uganda intervened and paid his medical bills. He is still in pain but the bones are stitched and he is getting medication. When we visited him at his home he said, “Had it not been angels God sent, I would have died instantly.” We give thanks to God for his life.

2.     Kambedha Anna: This is the first we are having Anna on our social program outreach. She is a 47-year-old lady who is battling with gangrene and diabetes. Her little daughter Sheila reached out to Link Hands offices for help since they did not have money for medical treatment and other things at home. As it is our responsibility, we provided for the family and also took Anna to Nile internal Hospital and paid her medical bills.

Anna said, “How wonderful is Christ!! I had lost hope and I thought am going to rot at home but you came to my rescue. Glory be to God!”.

3.     Brenda Nankwanga: One of our favorite persons, Brenda, received two parcels of clothes. Her business was going low but thanked for the clothes that have boosted her business once again. She stated, “I don’t know how to thank Mr. Anders but please let him know that am so grateful and I daily pray for him.” Brenda will sale her clothes in Bugembe and enable her to support her family.

4. Nalufenya Children’s hospital: The children’s hospital is always on our monthly to-do list. As usual, we provided the food items to be used in making solvents for the malnourished children at the malnutritional ward.


We continue to change people’s lives one step at a time for good. With the weekly funds, a lot is achieved. We thank the Swedish family, Mr. Anders and mama Ingela for their continuous support. May God bless them abundantly.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Psalm 51:12

 Compiled by,

Benard Mwesigwa.


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