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A monthly report for the month of Mars 2022


As Link Hands Uganda we are focused to helping the neediest people in the society; more Eastern Uganda which is the second poorest region in Uganda. In line with our mission,” working together to transform the communities” we thank the Swedish Family for working with us and helping many people every month.

We have managed to move one step at a time towards transforming our communities socially, economically, and spiritually. With the continued support, many people will be helped and our vision and mission come true.

Activities of March:

The month of March was characterized with the same usual issues but a little bit different because we helped some of the students who are on our sponsorship program, and Harriet, a woman who was assisted to get a leg.

Ø Babirye Leticia: this girl has been on our helping list for now two years and she’s also on our sponsorship program. Babirye had two issues; she needed medication because she was suffering from a blood clot. She received UGX 450,000. Secondly she needed money for her registration with Uganda Examination board in order for her to sit for her senior four final examinations. She received UGX 340,000

Ø Seph Magoola: He is the boy tertiary school. He needed some money to buy instruments required by the school for his course. He is pursuing Electricity and mechanical engineering. Received UGX 580,000

Ø Harriet: this woman who is diabetic stricken was struggling with house rent so I visited her and paid her house rent of UGX 240,000. She rents a one roomed house and she stays with her youngest daughter called Sheila.

Ø Postal office: We cleared the annual payment for our postal box number. We paid UGX 180,000 to the postal office Jinja Branch.




Amount (UGX)

Babirye Leticia

Medication & Registration


Seph Magoola

School Requirements



House Rent


Postal office

Annual pay





The people we helped this month are on our list. These students even though they are in school still they face several challenges and need to be helped. We shall always Link Hands together and help each other.

With the postal office, we urge you to send anything good for children; pictorial books, bibles, shirts, balls, playing instruments etc.

We thank you Mr. Anders for your selfless support and kindness towards us. May the Lord bless the works of your hands!

“The Lord is righteous in all His ways and Kind in all His works.” Psalm 145:17

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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