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A monthly report for the month of Mars, 2023


We are committed to transform communities spiritually, socially, and economically. As Link Hands Uganda every we are goal driven and we reach out to needy people in the communities around Jinja District like; Namulesa, Mafubira, Nakabango, Budondo, Mpumudde, Kyamagwa, and Bugembe.

We have people on our social program whom we help on daily basis with food, medical bills, and any other arising issues. Mr. Anders of the Swedish Family donates a weekly fund that help Link Hands Uganda to run its activities smoothly. On the sponsorship program, Link Hands Uganda almost 15 children it pays schools fees for. Mr. Anders has been instrumental and helpful in sponsoring the children for them to have better education. This has helped them to beat the vice of Forced marriages, child labor, early marriages, and not becoming street Children.

Activities of the Month.

There were several activities performed in the month of March: these ranges from medical care to small business program. Link Hands Uganda reached out to Malnourished children and Sickle cell children at Nalufenya Children’s hospital in Jinja town.

Barrack Otumba: In Swahili language, Barrack means a blessing. The boy is 3 years old and lives with a single mom. Barrack was living with his father and step father who closed her in a house for weeks without having food and the step mother used to punish him. The child was rescued by the neighbors who reported the case to Police and his father who is 38years old was arrested together with his wife. Then the police called Barrack’s mother to come and take him to hospital. The boy has been on oxygen support for a month, and the mother didn’t have any help to pay medical bills, buy good food and buy medicines to treat him. In Nalufenya hospital, the patient is told to buy medication and then the doctors come and attends to the patient. It is a horrible situation. Link Hands Uganda when reach out to the children’s hospital, the nutritionist doctor advised us to help by paying her medical bills for Barrack. Link Hands will continue to visit Barrack in the future to see how he is doing.

Nabirye Nasib: Nasib is a 6-year-old girl suffering from sickle cells. She has battled sickle cells since her birth. When the team visited Nalufenya Children’s Hospital we found her lying on bed in pain, helpless, desperate, and hopeless. Emmanuel and Rev. Benard prayed for her and encouraged her mom. Link Hands Uganda bought the medication for her and gave some upkeep money to her mother. We left her smiling and she simply waved us as we moved out from the ward.

Mafabi Erickson: He is 4 years old boy. He is in the Malnourished ward, and we found him off oxygen support machine. He had developed malaria but his parents did not have money to buy him better food and drinks which later affected him and became malnourished. Link Hands paid his medical bills and gave the parents some upkeep money to buy food, and medicines to treat Erickson. His parents were very happy and thankful for the help.

Waako Bosco: He is a resident of Nakabango and a congregant of Nakabango Lutheran Church. He says he is 73 years old though he doesn’t know when he was born. He among the pioneers on the social program. He was suffering from Malaria, and diabetic. He reached out to Link Hands Uganda which later paid the medical bills, and bought eateries for him to take home. Mr. Bosco appreciated the help and thanked LHU together with Mr. Anders for the support given to him.

Mama Dorcus: she is the oldest person on our social program. This time around Link Hands Uganda thought of giving her capital for small business so that she can take care of her own family. Mr. Anders support the good cause and sent the funds to help mama Dorcus. She will be selling glossary foods and vegetables. Apparently Link Hands Uganda is working on the store or kiosk for her by refurbishing it then later other money will be released for her to buy glossary foods and vegetables. She has experience in selling glossary but she lacked capital that is why Link Hands Uganda is trying its best to see that this business is sustainable in the long run.

Jean Rousseau: He is a part time volunteer at Link Hands Uganda. Jean is a profession chef who started a small business of making cakes. He has ready market in Jinja town and beyond. He wanted his business to grow so he asked for financial assistance which Mr. Anders through Swedish Family provided for his business. He has hopes that his business will grow big and in the future be able to help the orphaned children in the community.

Postal Address Renewal: The postal office box was renewed for this year. This has always helped us to receive clothes for Brenda’s business. The box is also our identity or organization address where we can be reached by people.

Accountability for the month of March 2023


The Swedish family is very helpful to us to reach out to people seeking help. We thank Mr. Ander Eliasson for his wonderful and selfless support to the people of Uganda. I thank also the self-driven Link Hands Ugandan volunteers for their advice, prayers, and team work. May the Lord bless them all.

Link Hands Uganda we look forward to fulfilling our vision of transforming people and communities spiritually, socially, and economically, however we cannot help all but one at a time.

The month of March has been successful because God has been on our side.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2

Compiled by:

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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