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A monthly report for the month of Mars 2024


Whenever it comes to helping, we dedicate ourselves to see that we are not only helping but changing people’s lives for better. This takes financial resources, prayer, and brainstorming together and figure out the best way to uplift the underprivileged children in the community.

With the weekly funds, we reach out to people and children facing different problems for example, shelter, food, school fees, and medical care, and other related problems. We have register successful stories where 15 children are in school and perform better, the children at the orphanage are happy and received shoes and clothes, small business success for example Brenda selling clothes and mama Dorcas’ grocery outdoor kiosk, healthcare support for example to Natasha, Kasadha, and Layet and to Nalufenya. All this supported by Mr. Anders and his wife.

We thank God that we are changing lives of people and impacting them with our small funds.

Activities of the month:

The following are the activities of March.

1) Easter package. The food was distributed to twenty families. These families include of those sponsored children, and five families on social program. The food was distributed on good Friday after prayers. We went to families of these children, and we delivered it to some children, and if the children were absent then we gave their parents or guardians. We distributed 10kgs of rice, a chicken, two bars of soap, and two sachets of salt. Mboli Ashraf a sponsored child said, “thank you for supporting me with school fees, and giving me this easter gift. I will enjoy it with my family. God bless you.” And Mourice also said, “This is super love to us!! My heart is so happy!!”

The local orphanage: As we continued to celebrated Christmas, the children at the local orphanage which is run by Mr. Muzingu Noah and his wife, received a cake as a gift from the Anders family in Sweden. The children were so happy and danced about it. Thank you for helping.

2) Latrine for Kibedi Amos: Amos is a 68-year-old widower who lives in Wakitaka with his grandchildren. He didn’t have a latrine so the community leaders convened a meeting due health safety concern and decided to invite well-wishers who can join in and put up a latrine for Kibedi.  Link Hands was contacted, and we reacted immediately and donated some funds to buy 10 bags cement and sand to construct the latrine for him so that he stops going to the bush. That was partial help as other well-wishers came up to help him towards latrine construction.

3) Nalufenya children’s Hospital: As our monthly dedication, we donated items that are used as solvents in the laboratory as they make food for the malnourished children. The items donated are rice, bar soap, sun seed cooking oil, and sugar. The quantities we deliver can take them for at least two to three weeks. The Nalufenya administrators are so happy for this kind of help, and it means a lot to the beneficiaries who are the children.

4) Kyasimire Slyvia: she is a 16-year-old girl living in Nakabango who was suffering from Malaria, and she reached out to Rev. Benard for help. Malaria is the number one killer disease in Uganda and sometimes it is hard to prevent though people sleep under the net, they can still be bitten by the mosquitoes outside the house. As Link Hands Uganda we were able to pay her medical bills.  

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Jesus Christ in his great mercy he has given us new birth. Into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Compiled by, Benard Mwesigwa


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