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A monthly report for the month of May 2022



In the month of May a new term begun and this means that children went back to school. Education is knowledge, but proper education is power. Parents work hard to see that their send their children to school. Many needy children don’t have this chance of going to school because of several reasons which may include, poverty, lack of food at home, child labor, destitute families, and child negligence by their parents, and many more issues.

The health care in Uganda is very wanting; most especially for children hospitals where many children are suffering various diseases. It is our objective to promote better health care to all needy people in Jinja District and beyond.

Activities of the month:

There were only three activities done in the month of May; paid school fees to 17 students, and reached out to children at Nalufenya children’s Hospital.

Ø School fees:

There are many needy children in Uganda. As Link Hands Uganda we selected 17 children on the sponsorship program; 8 in primary, 8 in Secondary, and one in Tertiary. These children got to moderate schools with better education.

Ø Health care:

In this month of May we reached out to Nalufenya Children’s hospital in Jinja City. It is the only government owned Children’s hospital in Eastern Uganda. We visited particularly the “Malnutrition ward” where they were 27 children lying on bed helplessly. We prayed for them, and delivered some eateries and other basic needs as recommended and guided by the doctors at the Hospital. The mothers of these children were very happy and requested us to be visiting that ward always. But the Doctors advised us to visit other wards like the ward with sickle cell children, autism, down syndrome, and other illnesses.

Link Hands Uganda is looking forward to partner with Nalufenya Children’s Hospital in the future.

Ø Church activities:

The congregants of Mafubira and Nakabango Lutheran Church after service come to the pastor with several problems which include; physical food, medication, prayers, and other responsibilities. Not only that but even the church activities to run need money for example repairing and maintaining a Generator. Rev. Benard reaches out to all these challenges and helps congregants with financial problems as well as spiritual problems. In this month, the church Generator was repaired at a fee of UGX 650,000, and gave money to Christopher and William who are going to the seminary; spent 350,000 on them to buy some requirements. And finally gave Safina UGX 150,000 to buy tablets for her heart disease.


The table below shows the expenditure of the month


As Link Hands Uganda we are forever grateful for the funds Mr Anders send to Uganda weekly to assist people in their difficulties.

We work forward to see that at least we impact one person at a time; the starfish way.

Compiled by:

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” John 10:28-30


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