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A monthly report for the month of May, 2023



Link Hands Uganda has embarked on improving the health of children at Nalufenya Hospital. Nalufenya Children’s Hospital serves 12 political or geographical districts in Uganda. It is in Jinja City along Kampala Road in Eastern Uganda. The Hospital has well trained staff, internees, and volunteers who serve to save lives of children. The Hospital has different sections or departments which include emergency ward, malnutrition ward, general ward, sickle cell ward, orthopedic ward, HIV/AIDS wards, and an ICU ward. The commonest diseases that kill children are Malaria, Malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, measles, tetanus, and polio. The Ugandan government has tried to see these killer diseases are minimized and health facilities improved but there are still some loopholes in the health sector. Link Hands Uganda now has embarked on supporting the Nalufenya Children’s Hospital most especially in the Malnutrition ward. According to the hospital management, this is the neediest ward which needs immediate attention, but we reach out to other wards as well.

Activities of the month

There were activities carried out in the month of May.

1. Angelina Ajambo. This is one of the women who have been on our social program for long. We nicknamed her the Kingfisher woman because she stays near a resort called Kingfisher. She is a widow, and she has 5 children, but she lives with her grandchildren. Her house was washed away by running water when it rained heavily so she became homeless. Angelina needed a new house, so she contacted Emmanuel who is our volunteer. Link Hands Uganda reached out to her by buying 10 iron sheets, a new door, and nails. We volunteered in the raising of the mud structure and she is so thankful for that kind of help.we reach our sincere gratitude to the Swedish family for supporting Angelina by that weekly fund.

2. Nalufenya Children’s Hospital. This will be our focus this year. Nalufenya Hospital is in dare state and needs immediate attention most especially in the malnutrition ward where children are malnourished. Link Hands has provided medical equipment to the hospital to help the health practitioners to carry out their work or services more steadily and efficiently. These instruments or equipment include: 6 Glucometers, 5 Pulse-oximeter, and 10 thermometers. This was the first batch distributed to the hospital though more machinery is needed. Link Hands went further and bought some food items or solvents that ca be used in making solutions for the babies. The items bought are, 3 boxes of powdered milk, 10 litters Sun seed cooking oil, 10 kilograms of rice, 1 bag of charcoal, and nutritional solutions. This is all we could buy for the needy children because it was the most needed at that time. But we are determined to support the hospital with whatever we can do.

Accountability for the month of May


The Swedish family has been instrumental in helping the needy people in Uganda to see that their lives improve. We are so grateful to Mr. Anders for supporting these people. Through him, many children go to school, many have started small businesses, children’s lives saved from diseases and death, women are empowered. And by his prayers that ascend on high God has continued to bless the people in Uganda and the Holy Spirit brings them to God.

This month of May has taught us that always there is a way to serve others with what we can or what we have. God opened a way for us to help the children in Nalufenya Hospital and improve their lives. Glory be to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.” 1 Peter 5:6

Compiled by

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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