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A monthly report for the month of November 2023


In sub-Saharan Africa, there many programs focused on empowering and uplifting the neediest communities to overcome challenges like domestic violence, ignorance, illiteracy, inequality resource allocations, diseases, and political unrests. Most of the problems or challenges in sub-Saharan region are similar and it is regarded as the poorest region on the African Continent and the entire world.

This kind of empowering is focused on education, technological advancements, relief food, campaigns for better democratic politics, human rights advocacy, and implementation of the UNs SDGs.

Link Hands Uganda being a faith based and community-based organization has gone a step to bring the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through sharing love to one another by giving relief food, educating needy children, supporting small businesses to women, clothing to orphaned children, and medical people of Uganda. This has created tremendous change in people’s lives and restored hope and brought back happiness to them.

Activities of the Month.

The following below are the activities carried out in the month of November. 1. Delivering parcels to Brenda:

Nankwanga Brenda is a mother of four beautiful children. Brenda has been persistent on our social program where she has excited us with consistence in her business of selling secondhand clothes. Mr. Anders ever since he met Brenda, he has been supporting her by sending secondhand clothes so that she sells and be able to take her children to school and support her family. In November, Brenda received two parcels from Mr. Anders and she was super excited and thankful. She said, “How I wish I can also show my gratitude to Anders and his wife. They are good people and I thank them for supporting me.”.

2. Clothes to Orphanages:

When Mr. Anders came to Uganda this year, he visited a local orphanage run by Mr. Muzungu Noah and his wife in Butiki village in Jinja district. He was so much impressed by happy smiles of children and how they danced and sung. When he returned to Sweden, he donated clothes and shoes to children as a Christmas gift. This was greatly appreciated where children sung and danced because of the clothes and shoes.

3. Medical care for Layet Dorothy.

She was battling with goiter in her throat. She has been suffering for more than 10 years because it wasn’t “paining”. In Africa, unfortunately, people do not go for medical checkups until when the situation worsens. Her throat had swollen, and she wasn’t able to breath well, eat or drink. Mr. Anders funded her surgery and now she is recovering though remaining with a wound in her throat. When Rev. Benard Mwesigwa visited her, she shed tears of joy as she rejoiced in the Lord for making the surgery successful.

4. Tasiibula Blessing.

She is on our sponsorship program, and she is in primary school. Blessing has a sickle cell sickness whereby it disturbs her a lot and sometimes misses classes. She usually gets attacks and takes a long time to recover. In November, she convulsed and nearly died because according to doctors, her born marrow was almost dried up, she was also anemic, and she was short of breath. Her mother reached out to Reverend Benard as she was desperate, nervous, confused, and in tears because her daughter was about to die. Blessing was rushed to Nile International hospital where she spent 4 days and later discharged. We give thanks to God because now Blessing is happy, and able to do her activities though still with sickle cell disease.

5. Nalufenya support.

Like other months, in November we supplied items for solvents for the malnutrition ward of Nalufenya. Nalufenya children hospital is the only children hospital in Eastern Uganda. The hospital is overwhelmed with the great population, yet the services and resources are few. Link Hands Uganda has partnered with the hospital in order to serve the needy, poor, sick children by supporting proper medical equipment, payment of medical bills, and supporting the malnourished children with health resources and treatment.

Accountability of the month.


Working together has been a blessing to many people here in Uganda and most importantly the step by step is the best way of helping people. Through you, Mr. Anders, many people’s lives have changed; children go to school, many are fed, many receive medication monthly, and you remember them in your prayers. We cannot take this for granted but thank God for enabling you to support many. And God can make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 Compiled by, Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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