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A monthly report for the month of August and September 2022



The poverty ratio in the country is hyping due to the fact that the prices of commodities are going high. In Uganda, a household can spend less 1 US dollar per day because they are poor and cannot even buy basic needs. The government of Uganda allowed Link Hands Uganda to carryout activities that are related to poverty alleviation, knowledge, and spiritual rejuvenation.

We as Link hands Uganda we uphold a mission of “To work together to transform our communities.” Together with our far away partners in Sweden, we have reached out to the neediest people in this month.

Activities for the month

1. Mboli Ashraf: He is a 10 years old boy on our sponsorship program. He lives with the grandmother in Mafubira village. He had malaria and high fever and he was admitted at Almeca Medical Care, a nearby hospital in Mafubira. Link Hands reach out to him and paid the medical bill. Now the boy is able to school once again.

2. Brick laying for Christ the King Lutheran Church: we donated 10 bags of cement towards the brick laying for Christ the King Lutheran Church which is found in Kamuli District. The church had a muddy structure which was destroyed by rain and hailstorm in mid-July. The church embarked on brick laying in order to construct a permanent church building. The congregants were happy and thanked for the support and Christ’s love to them.

3. Goat delivery: Mr. Ronald Lubaale received two goats. He finally received a male Boer and female savannah goat. This was supposed to be done in July but it wasn’t possible until this month. We hope that the goats will change Mr. Ronald’s life and be more self-sustaining.

4. Namwase Margaret: She was a resident of Naigobya who had a heart attack so Link Hands reached out to her with some money for medication at Nakavule Hospital in Iganga but unfortunately she died just after 3 days. Link Hands helped in hiring public address system, and transportation of the corpse from the hospital to home.


It is always a blessing to serve other people and put them first before ourselves. Amidst the challenges and we are grateful and happy to register many successes.

We hope to host you next month and show you some of the work that we do here and encourage, and pray for the people. Safe travels to Uganda!!!

“This is why I have often been hindered from coming to you. But now there is no more place for me to work in these regions, and since I have been longing for many years to visit you, I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there, after I have enjoyed your company for a while.” Romans 15: 22-24



In late August and first days of September Link Hands Uganda hosted Mr. Anders Eliasson and together they did some activities like visiting needy families, and providing them with Food staff and praying for them, worship at Mafubira Lutheran Church, and meet some children on the sponsorship program.

We encourage such short-term mission trips by donors and volunteers. This will help us do work better as we serve the communities.

Amidst the economic crisis, we are glad that Mr. Anders through the Swedish Family continues to support many people in Uganda. The goal is to transform people’s lives spiritually, economically and socially by sharing the Love of Christ with others.

Activities of September:

There were a few activities of done in September. These include paying school fees to the children and medication for three people.

School Fees:

Link Hands Uganda currently has 16 children on sponsorship program. 8 are in secondary, 7 in primary schools, and 1 in tertiary school pursuing a Diploma in Electrical engineering. We believe the best gift you can give a child is education. All their school fees was paid and all are in school apparently. Our children on sponsorship program are taken to affordable middle schools for better quality of education.

The school fees did not increase in this last term of the year; Primary school fees is UGX 285,000, while secondary fees is UGX 535,000, and a special case of Leticia who is in secondary boarding school pays UGX 770,000, and Magoola Seph in tertiary pays UGX 735,000/

Medication & treatment.

* Mr. Akuwa David a 65 year old man has hernia illness. He came to Link Hands offices seeking medication. Link Hands volunteers managed to reach-out to him in Jinja Main Hospital.

* Apolot Esther a 17 year old lady battles with kidney failures and infections. She is a resident of Nakabango Village in Jinja city. Link Hands Uganda learnt about her dare worrisome state and reached out to her at Nile international Hospital and paid funds for scan, and some treatment.


The table below shows the expenditure for the month of September 2022


This is the last school term this year so students will be promoted to new classes next year in January. We give thanks to Mr. Anders for paying school fees for all these three terms this year. We look forward next year to help these children with school fees.

In the coming month of October we shall focus more on outreaches to needy communities and people like the family at King Fisher and Mama Dorcus, and Harriet’s son Herman.

Together as a team we can achieve more and when God is on our side we shall be able to serve others wholeheartedly.

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law”. Galatians 5:22-23

Compiled By

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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