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Uganda faces several problems which include poor health care, poor education, sanitation, illiteracy, high unemployment rate, poor food preservation, poor water, among others. Link Hands Uganda has been able to tackle on some of the challenges in the communities of Jinja District. Link Hands Uganda has concentrated on issues like; health care, education, relief food, spiritual matters, and clothes to children.

The Ugandan government has done much to curb the problems above but still a lot is still needed from local and international charity or philanthropy community.

The month of November was not so different from other months; health care or medical care and other social activities were done.


1. Nalongo Safina who is 52 years old a resident of Nakabango village in Jinja was helped with medication. She is suffering from Heart disease and kidney failure. Link hands reached out to her and she got treatment from Nile International Hospital. We have been monitoring her health but it is improving. She said to one of us,” thank you for reaching out to me. I had lost hope because no one helps the poor. But I thank the Lord for helping me.”

2. Sarah Waiswa. She is 28 years old. She couldn’t deliver a baby well so she had to go for a C section; surgery. Her husband called Aggrey Waiswa came to Link Hands offices in Mafubira and narrated their difficulties. Link Hands reached outh to them and got helped.

3. Muluta Derrick. Ever since Link Hands started, he has been on our list for help. This time round he had a boils on his back neckl; it is a bacterial infection which has lasted for long. He tried to treat it some months ago but couldn’t find a solution. He went to Jinja Main Hospital and saw a doctor; especiallized in skin treatment. I am proud to say that he is getting better.

4. Muwanika Sharif. He is the man who linked us to lukman. He is a good man with a golden heart. His wife, Deborah, broke her leg and she needed immediate attention. We paid part of her medical bills at St. James Orthopedic clinic.


The table below shows the accountability for the month of November


Safina Nalongo Medication 1,340,000

Sarah Waiswa Medication/operation 1,200,000

Muluta Derrick Medication 350,000

Muwanika Sharif Medication 600,000

TOTAL 3,490,000


The month of November the funds were spent on Medication. This is because there was high demand. For example, Sarah Muwanika who needed to be operated in a short-while.

We give thanks to the Lord who has enabled our partner, Anders and the Swedish Family to support many people in Uganda.

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be save: for thou art my praise” Jeremiah 17:14

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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