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A monthly report for the month of November 2022


As we come to the end of the year, Link Hands in conjunction with the Swedish Family continues to support people in different ways which include, food, medication, small businesses, school fees, clothes, and others. All this is done by the Grace of Lord who enables both organizations to work together and reach out to needy people in the society.

Link Hands Uganda helps people who are on the socio-program and children on the sponsorship program. This enables us to know how better we can support such people, and also make follow-up on how they are progressing after receiving help from us.

Activities of the Month.

There were a few activities done in the month of November 2022. The following activities and people were reached out this month.

1. Mama Dorcus

Mama Dorcus’ family has been on our program since the beginning. She is a widow who is HIV/AIDS positive, and also her daughter Dorcus is HIV/AIDS. She lacks where to stay so Link Hands has been renting her a house for 2 years. This month her family was in need for food and rent since she was being displaced by a Good Samaritan who has sheltered her for a year. Link Hands provided funds to buy enough food for three weeks, and paid house rent for the new home. Glory and Honor to the Lord!!!

2. Ntalo Mark.

Ntalo Mark is a brother to Namukose Ruth a child on the sponsorship program. Mark got a bodaboda (Motorbike) accident and his family did not have money to take him to hospital and get better treatment so the family reached out to Link Hands Uganda through Ssuna and we helped him by paying medical bills. Now he is able to move but by the support of walking sticks. We give thanks to the Lord for giving him life.

Those were the only two activities performed in the month of November 2022.


The table below shows the expenditure and accountability of the month.


We thank the Mr. Anders through the Swedish Family for supporting the needy people in Uganda. For example, Mark and Mama Dorcus’ family were stranded and stressed but by your help it has enabled them to be happy and filled with Joy, hope, and comfort in their hearts knowing there is someone who cares for them and loves them. This is a great act of kindness and fulfilling the Lord’s commandment of love your neighbor as you love you love yourself.

“Grace Alone. Faith Alone. Scripture Alone”

For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

Compiled By,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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