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Activities in October:

In this month of October, there were several people in need reached out. The following below are the activities we did in October:

  1. The buying of modern Alter liturgical clothes for Nakabango Lutheran Church. This came as a request made by the church council. This will benefit the congregation at large by observing the church year calendar and also know the seasons of the church. We hope the church to receive the alter clothes in November. We look forward also to support Mafubira Lutheran Church with the same; each congregation will receive 4 sets of Alter liturgical clothes.

  2. Renewing of Operation License. Our operation license had expired so we had to renew. The new license will also work for one year; till September 2022.

  3. Rousseau Joy Tasiibula’s house. We worked together with the community to see that Mrs Joy Rousseau’s house which was demolished by rain can stand again. The local community leaders led a fundraising ceremony where Link Hands Uganda joined and helped with 15 bags of cement and a lorry of sand.

  4. Seminarian supported. 4 Seminarians were supported with money to settle their financial obligations. Atuhairwe Jonan & Isooba Kenneth had problems because they had left their wives home without food and medical. Link Hands reached out to them and bought food for the two families and also cleared the medical bills at the nearby health center. Muwanga Latif was returning back to seminary but without transport and other requirements. Derrick Muluta who was helped before and is part of our program, joined the seminary and as usual Link Hands Uganda reached out to him for medical assistance and buying for him requirements for seminary.

  5. Harriet’s new leg. Harriet lost her leg due to diabetes. She is a mother of three children and also she was the bread winner. Link Hands came to know about her through her first born son called Herman who sales bananas in town. Link Hands stood in and helped her to purchase a new leg so that she can go on and do her work.

  6. Medical treatment to our staff member. Miss Tamugwaniza Betty who was suffering from Malaria was helped with financial assistance to clear her medical bills.


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