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Link Hands Uganda is a voluntary, non-political, nonprofit making organization, non-government that is focused on empowering, uplifting, giving hope to people in different communities within the confines of its vicinity specifically Jinja, Uganda.

The month of August several people were reached out majorly in Health care. The health care system in Uganda is not satisfying because the here are no medicines in the hospital and poor health facilities. There is a gap which needs to be cemented by the volunteers, non-profit organizations, and well-wishers. And Link Hands is one of them.


  1. Lukman Nkwanga went through several dialysis so that he get healed. He is now improving and he can walk a little bit. Lukman goes for dialysis at Kiruddu Hospital; Kiruddu is the only Hospital in Uganda with a Dialysis machine.

  2. Lukman’s family was helped with rent and also to clear the debt of the previous house. Lukman and his family live in Budumbuli, Bugembe Ward, Northern Division, Jinja City. The landlord was demanding them rent for previous 6 months. It was all cleared through the Landlord himself.

  3. Rev. Benard Mwesigwa bought new clerical clothes. God’s servant must be presentable and smart before Christ’s Church.

  4. Paul Ssenabulya was helped with some funds to pay for his sick mother. Paul Ssenabulya is our workmate at Link Hands Uganda.

  5. Mother kits to antenatal expecting mothers. 35 mothers were reached out. This activity was conducted at our partner Hospital called Mpumudde Health centre 4, in Jinja City.

  6. Link Hands T-shirts; these are our work uniforms. We never had them so this month of September we got them by the funds sent by the donor, Mr. Anders! The T-shirts were bought for all the 4 volunteers of Link Hands Uganda.

  7. Office rent; Link Hands Uganda rents a single room for office work. The rent for the months of October to December was paid fully. Our Offices are located in Mafubira village.


The table below shows the accountability and expenditure of the funds sent in September 2021


Mother Kits Provided mother kits to 35expecting mothers 1,110,000

Lukman Dialysis & medical care 800,000

Lukman’s family Rent for 6 months 1,200,000

Link Hands T-Shirts 785,000

Link Hands Office Office Rent for 1,050,000

Paul Paul’s mother medication 350,000

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa Clerical wears/ cloths 960,000

TOTAL 6,255,000


  • Threats from Lukman’s family. Lukman’s father threatened to slaughter Benard with the panga for helping his family. He says we have taken over his responsibilities.

  • Harsh weather during the activities.

  • More people need help which is out of our scope.


  • We shall continue helping Lukman until we see that he is healed. We shall not interrupt other responsibilities of his family.

  • We need to grow one step at a time. This means we shall continue serving people one at a time.

  • In the future, Link Hands will need fulltime employees to carry out day to day work.


Proudly we can say that the Link Hands Uganda’s objectives and goals are being achieved every month; empowering people and having a transformed society. All this is by the power of Christ who enables us. We thank you, Mr. Anders for your support to many people here in Uganda.

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” Colossians 2:6-7

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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