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Sub-Saharan region is the poorest region in Africa. There are several issues that have caused this poverty, these include; war unrests, corruption, drought, low level of education, unemployment, cultural beliefs, political turmoil, and many others. This means that most Sub-Saharan countries face the problems of; Child-labor, poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, poor health care and facilities, environmental degradation, poor agricultural yields, and many more.

Uganda is country in Sub-Sahara located in East Africa. It is not exception from the problems that affect other Sub-Saharan countries. Every day Uganda’s population grows big; it is estimated that the population of Ugandans is 43 million people. Busoga region is one of the poorest region in Uganda.

Link Hands Uganda is based and is working in Busoga region which is found in Eastern Uganda. Link Hands Uganda has managed to help people in this impoverished region by preaching the word of God, giving start-up capital, relief food, shoes, clothes, and medication. All this is done in line with our Vision, “a transformed community, spiritually, economically, and socially.

Activities of the Year:

Link Hands Uganda has managed to reach out to several people with difficulties in Busoga region.

This year, Uganda was under a second lockdown as a way to curb the spread of Covid-19. During this lock down, Link Hands managed to continue with its activities.

The following are the activities or projects done in 2021

a) Medication: more than 20 people were on Link Hands list for medication. Most of the cases we had is that people were unable to pay medical bills. The common diseases they were suffering from are; HIV/AIDS, Malaria,

ulcers, cancer, malnutrition, Typhoid, Diabetes, hypertension, and broken legs or bones.

The antenatal mother care was cared for. More than 60 women received mother-kits. This was carried out at our partner hospital called Mpumudde Health centre 4. Some women who were in the C-Section and had no money to pay, we helped them by paying the bills and ensuring that they give birth well.

There were special cases like Lukman, Safina, and Harriet. These were special cases and we ensured that they get the medical attention they needed. Lukman was suffering from Kidney failure; we reached out to him but sadly he passed away. Then Safina is suffering from heart disease, kidney, and hypertension. She got medication and she is a bit relieved but still sick. Harriet who is diabetic and she lost her leg; we reached out to her but she hasn’t got a new “leg” yet.

b) Relief Food: over 75 families received relief food during the lockdown period. People were locked home mostly the slum dwellers did not have food. Link Hands Uganda distributed food to the neediest people in the community. This was done twice during the lock down where each family received 30kgs of Posho (maize flour), 20kgs of Beans, 4 bars of soap, and 3 sachets of salt.

c) Office rent & furniture: Link Hands now has an active office; this is found in Mafubira suburb. This office is our physical address and helps us to have meetings as a team to plan for the Organization. This is an achievement because we are recognized by the local authorities.

d) Small businesses start-up capital: Two young women received funds to start-up small businesses. Sarah Nanono who is a tailor by profession bought a sewing machine and also some fabrics to start her business. Whereas Jacklyn Babigumira started-up a shop selling second hand clothes but later transformed to a juice shop. We are proud of them because they are changing their lives and their families.

e) Clothes & Shoe program: there are many children in Uganda who have no clothes and shoes. Their parents cannot afford to buy clothes and shoes for them. We linked our hands and reached out to them and gave those shoes and clothes. This was done twice; during lockdown and during Christmas holiday as a gift.

The staff of Link Hands Uganda were able to receive new uniforms for identification in the community.

f) Alter clothes: since Link Hands Uganda has an objective of preaching the good news of Christ to the World, we partnered with two churches which were in need of alter clothes. This Mafubira & Nakabango Lutheran Churches. Mafubira received the alter clothes whereas Nakabango is still waiting.

Financial statement

We have been receiving the funds or financial support from Swedish Family through Mr. Anders Eliasson. He has been instrumental to see that we receive funds every month to do the activities and projects and look after the neediest people. The funds are deposited on the bank account of Link Hands Uganda.

Annual accountability showing the expenditure per month

Month Amount (UGX)

January 1,300,000

February 1,600,000

March 1,600,000

April 1,600,000

May 5,380,000

June 3,844,000

July 6,800,000

August 6,970,000

September 6,255,000

October 6,034,400

November 3,490,000

December 8,233,000

TOTAL 53,106,400

The table above shows the expenditure per month and the grand total of all expenditure in a year 2021.


Transportation; we hire motorcycles and cars whenever we are doing an activity. It is quite expensive to hire a car for a day.

Sometimes the drivers don’t come in time hence leading to delay of the activity.

  • The great need; many impoverished people need help but we help one at a time. This is a challenge when we see that there several people who are in need but we cannot help them.

  • The off and on volunteer team; this has been a challenge because the team members have to go and look for money somewhere. This sometimes makes our work stagnant or slow and brings about work overload to one individual.

  • The funding; Link Hands Uganda is growing fast and this means that it is covering many people. The funding seems to be less to the needs in the community.

Remedies/ Solutions

  • For transportation, Link Hands Uganda plans to have a vehicle in the future. This will ease the transport problems for the stuff.

  • The off and on volunteers; Putting in mind that one step at a time, Link Hands Uganda will hire fulltime workers once the organization grows. But for now, we shall continue to have volunteers because there are resources or money to pay staff.

  • For the great need; the coming year we shall have a list of selected people to look after; these include school going children, the widows, youths, and other categories of people in the community. But we shall always welcome special cases.

  • We request the donors to increase funds for the organization; this money goes straight to needy people in the communities.


Amidst lockdown, Link Hands Uganda managed to reach out to people in the communities. 2021 has been a very successful year and we are so grateful. We thank you Mr. Anders for working with us in all circumstances

and loving to make in people’s lives. We hope for the best in the coming year 2022. We are glad that we have registered 2021 as a successful year.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for me, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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