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Link Hands Uganda held an outreach on 23rd April 2020 at Mpumudde Health Centre IV in Jinja city to help pregnant mothers who are due with mama kits. This is not the first time LHU is reaching out to this facility which serves a higher number of patients more than the other health facilities with in Jinja city.


The main objective of this particular activity was and still is to help mothers in need and relieve them the burden looking for money to buy these mama kits which are so important and a necessity at the time of delivery.

Target Groups

Having informed the facility management a week before regarding the outreach, mobilization was done and our main targeted beneficiaries of expectant mothers who are at least 7 months and above was achieved overwhelmingly and we couldn’t finish up the numbers.

LHU’s Reverend Mwesigwa Benard and Paul Ssenabulya alongside few nurses at the facility distributed 25 mama kits in total to the expectant mothers who do attend their antenatal care sessions from Mpumudde Health Centre IV.

Besides the mama Kits, LHU was also on the same day able to reach out to the nurses with one box of surgical gloves.


Our expectations as Link Hands Uganda to every woman is making use of these mama kits such that at the time of birth, safe delivery of their babies is ensured and we are destined to be checking on these mothers once they have given birth to see how they fairing on with their bundles of joy.

We also expect to reach out to as many women as we could in other facilities especially those in the rural areas because they are also badly off and needs a helping hand and it’s our prayer that God enables us to get funding that can reach out to all these mothers and put a smile on their lips as we promote safe delivery in hospitals.


Andrew Mukisa is a son to the Widow whom you supported in October 2019; it was our first project with you.

Andrew got a motorbike accident and broke his right leg. He was riding with his friend and they were over

speeding while the bike lost control. He was rushed to St. James Orthopedics clinic and he was treated.

Link Hands Uganda reached out to him and paid the medical bills. Now Andrew is still recovering.



Antenatal Mother kits to 25 expecting mothers 750,000


Health centre Surgical gloves 150,000

Mukisa Andrew Medical treatment 600,000

LHU Transportation 100,000

Total 1,600,000


This month of April the funds were used in medication majorly. There is a big need in medication in Uganda; it is hard to access free medication.

But we are grateful for the support that enables us to help the people in need.

“Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.

It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:24

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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