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In the month of August, there were a few activities done in line with the objectives of Link Hands Uganda. The following objectives were attained:

  • To promote health care

  • To promote food safety; food relief in natural calamity times.

The lockdown is eased and people can travel from one place to another, but public gatherings, churches, schools, and others are not open. This also affects the Work of Link Hands Uganda. But it has been an opportunity for us to reach various people in the community.


  1. There was continual medical support to three women; these were, Kasadha Sarah, Isabirye Naome, and Namuhooya Ruth. Kasadha Sarah has been on our medical programme this year for so long because her backbone got dislocation so she is on treatment. I am proud to say that she is getting better by the Grace of Lord. Isabirye Sarahhas eye problems so she got new medication for the eyes and we paid half money for her spectacles or glasses. Namuhooya Ruth has hypertension and ulcers. Link Hands paid for her medical bills for Ulcers treatment and also got hypertension medication from Nile International Hospital, Jinja.

  2. Supporting Rev. Benard with clerical wears: Benard asked Mr. Anders to help him and buy new clerical wears. The money was sent and Benard bought what he needed.

  3. Food distribution: Covid-19 pandemic has caused hunger in Uganda and many were languishing in hunger, we gave out relief food to over 32 people in the villages of Jinja; Mpumudde, Nakabango, Mafubira, Buwenge, and Namulesa. We selected the neediest families which lacked food during this pandemic. Each family received 25kgs of Posho (maize flour), 20 kgs of beans, soap, and salt.


The chart below shows the accountability and expenditure for the month of August 2021


Relief Food Food to 32 people 5,100,000

Rev. Benard Clergy Attires 930,000

Kasadha Sarah Medical 350,000

Isabirye Naome Medical 260,000

Namuhooya Ruth Medical 330,000

TOTAL 6,970,000


  • We got some challenges while distributing food; many people want relief food but we had only selected the neediest people.

  • People who were given medical care failed to bring the receipts. This hinders us for proper accountability and follow up with the Hospitals.

  • Bad weather; rains and scotching sunshine and bad roads as we reach out to the people.

  • Staffing problems; the people we work with are all part-time workers hence most activities are carried out by Rev. Benard alone. Others are so occupied with their jobs elsewhere.


  • We shall stick to helping the most needy in the community

  • Link Hands Uganda must follow up all medical bills and gather the receipts for further archives, documenting, accountability, and evaluation.

  • Our donors, the Swedish Family, should consider increasing funding so that many people be reached too.

  • Link Hands Uganda will consider employing full time employees in the future. Per now, we shall make doors open for volunteers locally and internationally.


All this work is attributed to Mr. Anders; he has worked tirelessly to see that many people are helped in Uganda. We should continue moving the starfish way for proper planning and growth.

“I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the Flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.”

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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