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This month the whole country was under lockdown due to covid-19; transport, public places and social gatherings were all closed. People were languishing in extreme poverty and death rates were high.

Amidst these challenges, Link Hand Uganda managed to reach out to various families by providing food and also medical care to people.


Nkwanga Lukman a 13 year old boy who was suffering from kidney failure and needed immediate attention was helped. Link Hand Uganda first gave him UGX 300,000 to buy tablets. Then later we contacted Mr. Anders and he helped to rescue Lukman by donating UGX 2 million shillings.

More than 20 needy families received relief food. Each family received 30kgs of Posho, 20kgs of beans, 4 bars of soap, and 3 sachets of salt. This was around Mafubira, Buwenge, Butiki, Namulesa, Kyamagwa, and Mpumudde Villages.

Then on the weekly donations, 3 women were helped by paying medical bills for them. These were namely:

  1. Sarah Kasadha: she has been on our medical program this year. She got a dislocation in her spinal code. We paid part of her medical bills. Now am proud to say that she can walk a little bit. Thanks be to God.

  2. Nankwanga Brenda: She gave birth to a baby boy. The baby was named, “Miguel”. She was operated. Link Hands Uganda paid a visit to her and cleared a bill.

  3. Namusobya Rachel: Like Brenda, she has been on our medical program this year. She received a mother kit earlier this year. She gave birth to a baby girl named, “Gabriella”. We cleared her medical bills.


NAME REASON AMOUNT (UGX) Relief food Food to 25 people 4,000,000

Lukman medical 2,300,000

Kasadha Sarah medical 450,000

Nankwanga Brenda medical 250,000

Namusobya Rachel medical 250,000

TOTAL 6,800,000


We are so thankful to Mr. Anders for supporting the people of Uganda in this lockdown. You have fed, dressed, and treated many. We are grateful.As the lockdown continues for more 60 days, we pray that you consider helping people with Relief food, and also helping Lukman to overcome the pain.

To God be the Glory

“Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations He has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the shields with fire. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46:8-11

Complied by;

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa Jester


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