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Mr Anders sends one million (UGX 1,000,000) every month to Uganda to help the needy people in Uganda. This is done through Rev. Benard Mwesigwa who receives the funds and identifies the need and is worked on. This money is broken down and covers a lot of emergencies, and needs; and the most needs are Medical, food, and other basic needs like sanitation.

Over ten (10) families are helped monthly through Eliasson funding; and these are the vulnerable poor in the community who include poverty stricken homes, widows, lame, and other disadvantaged people in the society.


The money that Mr. Anders sent early June was sepecifically used as seen below:

  • Helping at the burial of Florence; she was a congregant of Nakabango who died of HIV/AIDS. She had two pairs of twin.

  • Buying food to 12 families who were most need; shortage of food.

  • Paid medical bills for 3 families.


  • Food; beans, salt, and posho (Maize flour).

  • Medical; depended on one’s need

  • Burial assistance; buying food for the mourners, hiring of chairs and tents.



Food (posho, beans & salt) 400,000

Medical 300,000

Burial 300,000

Transport fee 100,000

Total 1,100,000

Medical: The following are the people who received medical fee.

  • Mugeere Joel: He is a seminarian at Lutheran theological seminary Uganda. He was suffering from Malaria. He was given ugx 100,000

  • Tusubira Sarah: She is a nanny at someone’s home. She is hypertensive. She was given Ugx 150,000

  • Mutesi Aidha: she is short sighted; she was give Ugx 50,000 to buy new eye glasses.

Burial: During Florence’s burial, the following was spent.

  • Buying food for the mourners; I contributed ugx 100,000.

  • Hiring 50 plastic chairs and one tent; it cost Ugx 200,000

Food: 12 families received food; each family received 20kgs of posho, 10kgs of beans, and 3 packets of salt.


The monthly help really benefits many people in the community; the relief food, and medical care. There is need for sustainable projects that will transform people’s lives.

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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