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According to a research carried out by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency(SIDA),it suggests that Ugandaf aces several social issues which include; poverty, unemployment, poor health and medications, housingproblems, pooreducation,and other political related issues.

There is alarming concerns which needi mmediate interventions. These interventions can be directed or focus on; relief, education and sustainability.

Professor Staffan Hojer of Gothenburg University suggests that these social issues have to be intervened by both local and international community.

The Ugandan government has allowed the NGOs, CSOs and CBOs to intervene in order to bridge the gap and also alleviate these social issues. But still there is much more needed.

Link Hands Uganda continues every month to reach out to needy people and attend to their problems. This is solemnly due to the monthly support (SEK4099) from the Swedish family through Mr. Anders.

Activities of March

In this month the most three pressing needs in the society were solved; schoolfees, medication and sustainability.

Babirye Leticia & Muwanguzi Marvin were helped with part of their schoolfees. Babirye Leticia is on the sponsorship list I sent to you earlier last year.

Leo Musobya was diagnosed with malnutrition; he is bedridden at Nalufenya children’s hospital. He’s on medication. Link Hands Uganda paid his medical bills and also helped his parents with food in the Hospital.

Namugaya Rebecca received the “head of a sewing machine” (the upper part of the sewing machine which sews the clothes) to help her to resume work so that she can be able to care of her family.



Babirye Leticia School fees 300,000

Muwanguzi Marvin School fees 300,000

Leo Musobya Medication 300,000

Namugaya Rebecca Machine 550,000

Transportation refreshments L H U team 150,000

TOTAL 1,600,000


In these economic hardships, the monthly funds help to settle some problems and as Link Hands we are grateful for this support.

Our focus and priorities in the coming months are; Schoolfees, health and medication, hunger and small businesses.

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”Proverbs16:9

Compiled by,

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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