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The month of May we only worked on three main issues namely; relief food to the local orphanage called Children’s Hope orphanage Budondo. And also we gave medical assistance to Muluta Derrick, and Andrew Mukisa. Lastly, small business support to two young women.

Once in a while we visit the orphanage and pray with the children and also donate food and other things. This time we donated food, sugar, basins, and utensils.

Derrick Muluta was suffering from unknown disease which attack his back head. He received his treatment from Mobashar Medical centre, Jinja. Andrew Mukisa is still under our supervision as we see how his leg is healing. He went to Hospital now he is able to move around with support sticks and with less pain.

Two young Women were helped with startup capital to do businesses; tailoring and selling of clothes. These were Sarah Nanono and Babigumira Jacky


Our objectives as Link Hands-Uganda are in line with our Mission; working together to transform our community. Below are some of the three objectives we worked upon this month.

  • To promote Health Care.

  • Food safety and agriculture

  • To equip members in communities with skills that can help improve their standard of living. This will be made possible through our robust training and skilling programs like brick laying, tailoring, making of re-usable sanitary towels, art and craft among others.


We expect people’s lives to change and transform and alleviate on poverty in our community.

We expect the people helped with startup capital to utilize it well so that they grow and come out from poverty.

We expect to improve on people’s health by providing health care and praying for them.



Children’s hope orphanage Food, 4 basins, bag of sugar, and utensils 870,000

Babigumira Jacky Startup capital 2,000,000

Nanono Sarah Startup capital 1,610,000

Muluta Derrick Medication 350,000

Andrew Mukisa Medication 350,000

Transportation Team 200,000

TOTAL 5,380,000


There are several problems in Africa which need to be addressed, but we are proud to say that we help one person at a time. We are proud of our main donor called Anders! Working together and partnering with others ignites a sense of humility and philanthropy in people. But most importantly, this is done through preaching the word of God to others. God restores, and feeds his people. It is not our glory, but the glory of God!

“Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.” Psalm 54:4

Compiled by:

Rev. Benard Mwesigwa


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